Georgia at the Data for Policy conference


Georgia Gkioka presented our work in the METICOS research project on “Data Analytics for Technology Acceptance Monitoring of Smart Border Control Technologies” at the Data for Policy Conference. Data for Policy is a premier global forum for interdisciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the impact and potentials of the digital revolution in the government sector.

Automated Border Control (ABC) is emerging as a solution to enhance the convenience of travelers, the throughput of BCPs, and national security. Despite the growing interest in novel Smart Border Control (SBC) technologies, there is currently a lack of information regarding their acceptance, both from travellers’ and border control staff’s viewpoint. The goal of our research is to provide a descriptive analytics framework for technology acceptance monitoring of SBCs aiming to enhance policy development and decision support. Our framework encompasses the lifecycle of data from the moment they are collected until their presentation to the stakeholders.

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