Call for Papers on Digital Twins


Call for papers on the Special Issue on “Autonomous, Context-Aware, Adaptive Digital Twins” of the journal “Computers in Industry” which has an Impact Factor of 7.635 and ranks 9 out of 112 in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications.

This Special Issue intends to highlight research contributing to the evolution of Digital Twins towards context-aware, autonomous, and adaptive building blocks of tomorrow’s Digital Factories. Contributions should address research gaps that need to be bridged to achieve that objective. Four interwoven research topics are especially relevant in this context: 1) interoperability, 2) modelling, 3) interaction and 4) real-time data processing and decision-making. More details about this vision and the related research gaps are available in the state-of-the-art paper “Autonomous, Context-Aware, Adaptive Digital Twins – State of the Art and Roadmap” in Computers in Industry Volume 133 (December 2021),

Co-edited by Giacomo Cabri, Karl A. Hribernik and Federica Mandreoli and Gregoris Mentzas.


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