eParticipation workshop in Digital Government 2007
IMU co-organises the workshop [Analysing eParticipation Contributions](http://imu.ntua.gr/events/dgo2007/), within the the [8th Annual International Digital Government Research Conference](http://dl.a
Semantic Interoperability in eHealth
IMU organised the workshop [Towards Semantic Interoperability in eHealth](http://imu.ntua.gr/events/semhealth/), on 12 March 2007 in Brussels.
IMU (representing ICCS) joins NESSI
ICCS is formaly a member of [NESSI (the European Technology Platform on Software and Services)](http://www.nessi-europe.com/) and IMU will contribute to the Semantic Technologies, BPM and Service Scie
Knowledge, Learning and Innovation at EURO 2007
IMU co-organizes the workshop on [Knowledge, Learning and Innovation Management](http://imu.ntua.gr/events/kmineuro2007/) within the [22nd European Conference on Operational Research](http://euro2007.
Soprano: a new IST project for IMU
IMU participates in Soprano, a new Integrated Project on Collaborative Work Environments. Soprano officially starts 1st January 2007. SOPRANO stands for “Service-oriented Programmable Smart Enviro
Future eGov Research
More than 100 participants attended the networking session on ["Future eGovernment Research"](http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/istevent/2006/cf/network-detail.cfm?id=740) organised by IMU with
KM and eParticipation
IMU organises a workshop on Knowledge and Semantic Technologies for eParticipation within the [DemoNet Network of Excellence](http://www.demo-net.org/), 5 December 2006 in Athens, Greece
IMU develops Knowledge Desktop
IMU will develop a Knowledge Desktop for distributed software engineering within the TEAM research project which is partially funded by the European Commission's [Information Society Technologies Porg