
The Semantic Web meets eGovernment

2006 AAAI Spring Symposium Series

Stanford University, California, USA, March 27-29, 2006

The Final Program of SWEG’06 with the papers, presentations and photos of presenters (where available) is available below. Please note:

· LP stands for Long Paper (allocated 25 minutes with discussion), SP stands for Short Paper (allocated 15 minutes with discussion)

· Three breakout sessions were organized; the presentations for the results were  given at the wrap-up session.
























































































































INVITED SPEECH: Semantic Web applications in Financial Industry, Government, Health care and Life Sciences, Professor Amit Sheth, LSDIS Lab, the University of Georgia and Semagix

Abstract: Semantics can already be seen as the key enabler for the new breed of enterprise and scientific applications.  I have had the unique vantage point of seeing Semantic Web research transition from academic research at the LSDIS lab to commercialization at Taalee and Semagix, and further on to powering applications serving Enterprise customers and scientific research partners.  In this talk, we will review several ontology-driven applications and information systems.  For commercial applications, we will focus on Enterprise applications deployed by Semagix’s customers. More specifically, these include risk management and compliance applications such as Know your Customer and Anti-money Laundering. For the Government application, we will  look at Case Management in Law Enforcement, Financial Irregularity and Insider Threat Management.  For scientific research applications, we will look at Active Semantic Electronic Medical Record Application deployed in a cardiology practice and a high throughput scientific experiment workflow in glycomics and proteomics research.  In the process, we will comment on the following capabilities: expressiveness of knowledge representations (ontology representation language), development of large populated ontologies that are regularly updated, automatic metadata extraction and annotation involving heterogeneous textual as well as scientific experiment data, high-performance and scalable query and rule processing reasoning that computes semantic associations leading to identification or discovery of patterns or interesting/suspicious paths and complex relationships, semantic visualization and semantic virtual interfaces for high-bandwidth user interactions with heterogeneous data, metadata and ontologies, and use of standards/recommendations including RDF, RDFS, OWL, SPARQL, SWRL, etc.

Background information for this talk can be found at:

· Making the Semantic Web Real (Dec. 2003)

· Commercial Technology:

· Semantic Discovery Projects at UGA & UMBC:

· Active Semantic Document with application to Electronic Medical Records:

· Bioinformatics Ontologies and Applications:

Speaker Biography: Amit Sheth is a professor of Computer Science at The University of Georgia (UGA) and the CTO of Semagix, Inc.  He started the LSDIS lab at UGA in 1994. For nine years before, he served in R&D groups at Bellcore, Unisys, and Honeywell.  In August 1999, Dr. Sheth founded Taalee, Inc., based on the SCORE technology developed at the LSDIS lab, and managed it as CEO until June 2001. Following acquisition/merger of Taalee and its follow-on Voquette resulting in Semagix, he currently serves as its CTO.  His research has led to two successful companies, several significant commercial products, many deployed applications, and over 200 publications. He has given 24 keynotes and 160+ invited talks/colloquia, has served on 110+ program committees, led organization of 25+ international conferences/workshops and is the Editor in Chief of Int. Journal on Semantic Web & Information Systems.  He is a W3C advisory committee member and is active in several efforts related to Semantic Web Services, including WSDL-S. He received his BE from BITS (Pilani, India) and MS and PhD from OSU (Columbus, OH, USA). He has been elected as an IEEE Fellow.

Day 1: March 27, 2006

09.00 - 09.30

Symposium Chairs

Introduction & Overview


· Presentation

09.30 - 10.40

Maria Wimmer

Invited Talk: eGovernment research and implementation:

sketches of the breadth and depth of an upcoming multidisciplinary field

· Presentation, photo1, photo2

10.40 - 11.00

Coffee Break


11.00 - 12.40

Chair: Maria Wimmer

Session 1: Semantics-Based Service and Process Management I

LP 25

Alessio Gugliotta, Liliana Cabral, John Domingue

Knowledge Modeling for Integrating E-Government Applications and Semantic Web Services

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

LP 25

Knut Hinkelmann, Fabian Probst, Barbara Thoenssen

Agile Process Management Framework and Methodology

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

LP 25

Vassilios Peristeras, Konstantinos Tarambanis

Reengineering the public administration modus operandi through the use of reference domain models and Semantic Web Service technologies

· Presentation, photo

LP 25

Edgardo Moreira, Christian Fillies

A Business Process Analysis and Modeling Architecture for E-Government

· Presentation, photo

12.40 - 14.00 Lunch

14.00 - 15.10

Eric Miller

 Invited Talk

· Presentation

· photo

15.10 - 16.25

Chair: Maria Wimmer

Session 2: eGov Applications & Requirements

LP 25

Ljiljana Stojanovic, Andreas Abecker, Dimitris Apostolou, Grigoris Mentzas, Rudi Studer

The role of semantics in eGov service model verification and evolution

· PDF version of paper, Presentation

LP 25

Ludger van Elst

Business Register Interoperability Throughout Europe: The BRITE Project

· PDF version of paper, Presentation. Photo

LP 25

Ralf Klischewski

Migrating Small Governments’ Websites to the Semantic Web

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

16.25 - 16.45 Coffee Break

16.45 - 17.45 Discussions (A) in Breakout Groups

18.00 - 19.00 Opening Session

Day 2: March 28, 2006

09.00 - 10.10

Amit Sheth

Keynote Address: Semantic Web applications in Financial Industry, Government, Health care and Life Sciences (see below)

· Presentation Part I, Presentation Part II, photo

10.10 - 10.40 Discussions (B) in Breakout Groups

10.40 - 11.00 Coffee Break

11.00 - 12.35

Chair: Ralf Klischewski

Session 3: eGov Infrastructures and Basic Functionalities

LP 25

Mamadou Tadiou Kone, Fadhel Ben Jaafar, Amar Msaïd

A critical step in eGovernment evolution

· PDF version of paper, Presentation. photo

LP 25

Federica Mandreoli , Riccardo Martoglia, Enrico Ronchetti, Paolo Tiberio, Fabio Grandi

An eGovernment system for temporal- and semantic-aware access to norms

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

SP 15

Leona F. Fass

The Semantic Web, E-Government and the Digital Divide

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

SP 15

Nenad Stojanovic, Gregoris Mentzas, Dimitris Apostolou

Semantic-enabled Agile Knowledge-based e-Government

· PDF version of paper, Presentation

SP 15

Comte Frederic, Leclere Michel

A Semantical Reasoning Framework for eGovernment of French National Retirement System

· Presentation, photo

12.35 - 14.00 Lunch 

14.00 - 15.10

Mills Davis

Invited Talk: Semantic Wave (As a backgrounder to  this  invited talk, please see this  link to a keynote presentation at the Semantic Technology Conference 2006 in San Jose.

· Presentation, photo

15.10 - 15.30 Coffee Break 

15.30 - 17.20

Chair: Alessio Gugliotta

Session 4: eGov Ontologies and Reference Models

LP 25

Weitzner, D.J.; Abelson, H.; Berners-Lee, T.; Hanson, C.P.; Hendler, J.; Kagal, L.; McGuinness, D.L.; Sussman, G.J.; Waterman, K.K.

Transparent Accountable Inferencing for Privacy Risk Management

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

LP 25

Barbara Thönssen, Fabian Probst, Knut Hinkelmann

Lifecycle management of semantics-based eGovernment services

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

SP 15

Gerti Orthofer, Maria A. Wimmer

An Ontology for eGovernment: Linking the scientific model with implementation projects

· Presentation, photo

SP 15

Ana Cristina Garcia, Inhauma Ferraz, Valeria Cotrim

Web ontology to enable e-Citizenship

· Presentation, photo

SP 15

Michael Czajkowski, Benjamin Ashpole, Todd Hughes, Tuong Le

Bridging eGovernment Applications using Ontology-to-Ontology Message Translation

· Presentation, Photo

18.00 - 19.00 Plenary Session

Day 3: March 29, 2006

09.00 - 09.45

Chair: Knut Hinkelmann 

Session 5: eGov Portals

SP 15

Giovanni Sacco

User-centric access to e-government information: e-citizen discovery of e-services

· Presentation, photo

SP 15

Erhat Ilgar, John Oldenhuizing , Peter Mika

Let the Citizen Speak: A demand-driven e-government portal using Semantic Web Technology

· Presentation, photo

SP 15

Peter Weinstein

Living Ontologies: with applications to Business Process Alignment and Building Consensus

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

09.45 - 10.45

Chair: Knut Hinkelmann 

Session 6: Semantics-Based Service and Process Management II

SP 15

Athman Bouguettaya, Denis Gracanin, Qi Yu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Xumin Liu

Ubiquitous Web Services for E-Government Social Services

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

SP 15

Tomas Vitvar, Mick Kerrigan, Arnold van Overeem, Vassilios Peristeras, Konstantinos Tarabanis

Infrastructure for the Semantic Pan-European E-government Services

· Presentation, photo

SP 15

Luis Alvarez Sabucedo, Luis Anido Rifón

Semantic Service Oriented Architectures for eGovernment platforms

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

SP 15

Nenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Knut Hinkelmann, Gregoris Mentzas, Andreas Abecker

Fostering self-adaptive e-government service improvement using semantic technologies

· PDF version of paper, Presentation, photo

10.45 - 11.15 Coffee Break

11.15 - 12.30

Final Discussion & Wrap-up

Synopsis of Topic: Processes/Services (by Tomas Vitvar)

Synopsis of Topic: Applications (by Maria Wimmer)

Synopsis of Topic: Infrastructure (by Ralf Klischewski)

Closing discussion (by Gregoris Mentzas), photo1, photo2