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2006 AAAI Spring Symposium Series

Stanford University, California, USA, March 27-29, 2006

The Symposium is organized in association to the American Association for Artificial Intelligence and in cooperation with Stanford University's Computer Science Department.

We will publish the exact venue of the event when this is arranged by AAAI.

The Symposium will be held March 27-29, 2006 at Stanford University, California.

You could consult the following:

Stanford maps

Bay Area Transit Information

Cal Train.



For your convenience, AAAI has reserved a small block of rooms at the hotels listed below. Symposium attendees must contact the hotels directly. Please identify yourself as a AAAI Spring Symposium Series attendee to qualify for the reduced rates. Attendees are encouraged to reserve early. Availability is limited due to other events in the Palo Alto area at the same time.

Creekside Inn
3400 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA  94306
Phone: 650-493-2411
Or 1-800-492-7335
Fax: 650-493-6787
Email: czelnis@creekside-inn.com
Marguerite shuttle pick-up: 0.5 mile
Rates: $139 (S), $149 (D)
Reserve before: February 24, 2006

Sheraton Palo Alto
625 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA  94301
Phone: 650-328-2800
or1- 800-874-3516
Fax: 650-327-7362
Email: SheratonReservation@pahotel.com
Please refer to American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
Marguerite shuttle stop nearby
Rate: $169 (S), $179 (D)
Reserve before: February 24, 2006

Stanford Terrace Inn
531 Stanford Ave
Palo Alto, CA  94306
Phone: 650-857-0333
or 1-800-729-0332
Fax: 650-857-0343
Email: reservations@stanfordterraceinn.com
Please refer to Group number 96000
Stanford Terrace Shuttle available with advance notice. Marguerite shuttle stop nearby.
Rates: $145 (S), $155 (D)
Reserve before: February 27, 2006

Other Hotels

Available only on a first-come, first served basis; all prices are subject to changes without notice. Please also refer to http://www.stanford.edu/dept/hds/chs/general/hotel.html for other options.

The Red Cottage
1704 El Camino Real
Menlo Park, CA  94025
Phone: 650-326-9010
or 1-800-324-9010
Fax: 650-326-4002
Website: http://www.redcottageinn.com/
Rates: $89-109 (S) or (D)

Day's Inn Motel
4238 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA  94306
Phone: 650-493-4222
Fax: 650-494-6112
Website: http://www.daysinnpaloalto.com/
Marguerite shuttle stop nearby
Rates: $70-99 (S) or (D)

The Cardinal Hotel
235 Hamilton Ave
Palo Alto, CA  94301
Phone: 650-323-5101
Fax: 650-325-6086
Website: http://www.cardinalhotel.com/

Rates: $65-135 (S) or (D).

Useful sites for Stanford area

Bay area travel guide

CalTrain information