The Semantic Web meets eGovernment

2006 AAAI Spring Symposium Series

Stanford University, California, USA, March 27-29, 2006


List of Accepted Papers:





































































Submission procedure (closed!)

TO AUTHORS: Submission deadline is over: Thank you for your submissions!!!

We would like to thank the academics and practitioners (more than 60 people from 16 countries) who submitted a paper to  the SWEG Symposium!

TO REVIEWERS: Review process is complete. Thank you for your efforts!

Please follow  the process using the online conference management tool at:

Those interested in participating should send a three-page extended abstract describing their related work and areas of interest. Submissions may discuss work in any stage of development, from concepts and future directions to finished work.

All accepted papers will provide the framework for the discussions during the symposium. Papers must be written in English. Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the programme committee, and selected on the basis of their relevance and originality.

A limited number of participants will be invited to prepare long papers. The organizing committee considers editing a book or a special issue of an appropriate international journal.

For formatting instructions see and

Please submit your paper online in PDF format using the online conference management system at


Important Dates

Important Dates

Deadline for abstracts

October 21, 2005

Deadline for reviewers to submit review reports

November 14, 2005

Notification of acceptance

November 21, 2005

Deadline for final versions of abstracts and papers

January 27, 2006


March 27-29, 2006

Contact Information

Contact Information: in case of inquiries please contact Stojanovic at




“A Business Process Analysis and Modeling Architecture for E-Government”

Edgardo Moreira, Christian Fillies

 “A critical step in eGovernment evolution”

Mamadou Tadiou Kone, Fadhel Ben Jaafar, Amar MSaïd

“A Semantical Reasoning Framework for eGovernment of French National Retirement System”

Comte Frederic, Leclere Michel

“Agile Process Management Framework and Methodology”

Knut Hinkelmann, Fabian Probst, Barbara Thoenssen

“An eGovernment system for temporal- and semantic-aware access to norms”

Federica Mandreoli , Riccardo Martoglia, Enrico Ronchetti, Paolo Tiberio, Fabio Grandi

“An Ontology for eGovernment: Linking the scientific model with implementation projects”

Gerti Orthofer, Maria A. Wimmer

“Bridging eGovernment Applications using Ontology-to-Ontology Message Translation”

Michael Czajkowski, Benjamin Ashpole, Todd Hughes, Tuong Le,

“Business Register Interoperability Throughout Europe: The BRITE Project”

van Elst Ludger

“Fostering self-adaptive e-government service improvement using semantic technologies”

Nenad Stojanovic, Ljiljana Stojanovic, Knut Hinkelmann, Gregoris Mentzas, Andreas Abecker

“Infrastructure for the Semantic Pan-European E-government Services”

Tomas Vitvar, Mick Kerrigan, Arnold van Overeem, Vassilios Peristeras, Konstantinos Tarabanis

“Integrating eGovernment Services using Semantic Web Technologies”

Christian Drumm

“Knowledge Modeling for Integrating E-Government Applications and Semantic Web Services”

Alessio Gugliotta, Liliana Cabral, John Domingue

“Let the Citizen Speak: A demand-driven e-government portal using Semantic Web Technology”

Erhat Ilgar, John Oldenhuizing , Peter Mika

 “Lifecycle management of semantics-based eGovernment services”

Barbara Thönssen, Fabian Probst, Knut Hinkelmann

 Migrating Small Governments’ Websites to the Semantic Web”

Ralf Klischewski

 “Model Unification in Support of Political Process”

Peter Weinstein

“Reengineering the public administration modus operandi through the use of reference domain models and Semantic Web Service technologies”

Vassilios Peristeras, Konstantinos Tarambanis

“Semantic Service Oriented Architectures for eGovernment platforms”

Luis Alvarez Sabucedo, Luis Anido Rifón

“Semantic-enabled Agile Knowledge-based e-Government”

Nenad Stojanovic, Gregoris Mentzas, Dimitris Apostolou

“The role of semantics in eGov service model verification and evolution”

Ljiljana Stojanovic, Andreas Abecker, Dimitris Apostolou, Grigoris Mentzas, Rudi Studer

 “The Semantic Web, E-Government and the Digital Divide”

Leona F. Fass

“Transparent Accountable Inferencing for Privacy Risk Management”

Weitzner, D.J.; Abelson, H.; Berners-Lee, T.; Hanson, C.P.; Hendler, J.; Kagal, L.; McGuinness, D.L.; Sussman, G.J.; Waterman, K.K.

“Ubiquitous Web Services for E-Government Social Services”

Athman Bouguettaya, Denis Gracanin, Qi Yu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Xumin Liu

“User-centric access to e-government information: e-citizen discovery of e-services”

Giovanni Sacco

Web ontology to enable e-Citizenship”

Ana Cristina Garcia, Inhauma Ferraz, Valeria Cotrim