Towards the Social Event-based Internet of Services Workshop in the ICE 2012 ConferenceTuesday 19 June 2012
Leveraging Social Networking, Linked Data and the Real-time Web for the Future Internet |
Workshop Description
The evolution towards the Future Internet will largely be based on three inter-connected directions: (i) social networking within and across companies; (ii) the use of Linked Open Data and (iii) the trend towards the real-time event web. The aim of this workshop is to present the main technological challenges in these three areas and outline the proposed solutions and indicative usage scenarios of three European Union research projects: PLAY, SocIoS and Omelette. PLAY develops and validates an elastic and reliable architecture for dynamic and complex, event-driven interaction in large highly distributed and heterogeneous service systems. Such an architecture will enable ubiquitous exchange of information between heterogeneous services, providing the possibilities to adapt and personalize their execution, resulting in situation-driven service adaptivity. SocIoS paves the way for building qualitative, functional and usable business applications exploiting the User Created Content and the Social Graph of users in Social Networks. By providing tools for cross-platform application development and deployment; support for SLAs and QoS; tools for UCC and social graph management; and most importantly, a usable framework to build services in and through Social Networks, SocIoS will provide incentives for the development of business applications. OMELETTE proposes an innovative process of service development based on a mashup oriented approach, which will enable the development of multimodal services in a seamless way. OMELETTE development process will be supported by a suite of assistive technologies that aim at assisting end-users with automatic compositions or compo-sition recommendations and at speeding up the work of developers. Project aims at a strengthen European service and telco industry by contributing to W3C Widgets specification as well as defining a first interoperability specification for mashups. OMELETTE stands for Open Mashup Enterprise service platform for LinkEd data in The TElco domain.
This workshop is supported by the FP7 projects SocIoS (http://www.sociosproject.eu), Omelette (http://www.ict-omelette.eu), PLAY (http://www.play-project.eu/) |
Agenda |
15:30-15:40 Introduction to the TSEBIS Workshop
15:40-16:00 PLAY project presentation Gregoris Mentzas (ICCS)
16:00-16:20 SocIoS project presentation Emmanuel Sardis (ICCS)
16:20-16:40 Omelette project presentation Claudia Villalonga (Logica)
16:40-17:00 Open discussion on the Social Event-based Internet of Services
17:00 Coffee break
Chair and Co- Chairs |
Chair: Prof. Gregoris Mentzas Gregoris Mentzas is a Professor of Information Management at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and Director of the Information Management Unit (IMU) of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS). He currently serves as Director of the division of Industrial Electric Devices and Decision Systems while during 2006-2009 he served in the Board of Directors of ICCS. His research concerns e-service technologies, social computing, e-government and knowledge management. He has coordinated or participated in more than 40 international projects funded by the European Commission and other funding bodies. He is an Associate Editor in five scientific journals and was Program Committee member in more than 55 international conferences like WWW, IEEE RE, ECAI, DEXA, AAAI Symposia, IFIP eGOV, PRO-VE, IDT and ESWC among others. He has been a grant evaluator for the European Commission ICT program, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation. Prof. Mentzas has (co-)authored or edited 4 books on Semantic Web applications and Knowledge Management and published more than 200 papers in international peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
Co. Chair: Dr. Emmanuel Sardis Dr. Emmanouel S. Sardis received the Bachelor degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 1996. He received his PhD degree from the same University in. He is currently visiting assistant professor in University of Aegean at the department of Computer Engineering and Informatics. He is an adjunct lecturer at Polytechnic University of Crete. Dr. Sardis is leading and coordinating numerous National and European projects in the areas of Internet Technologies, Social Networks, Embedded Systems, and Distributed architectures with the team of Distributed, Knowledge and Media Systems Laboratory of NTUA. He is the administrative manager of SocIoS project. His research interests are internet technologies, cognitive systems and sensors, artificial intelligence data management. Co. Chair: Dr. Konstantinos Tserpes Konstantinos Tserpes is a Research Associate at the National Technical University of Athens and an adjunct Lecturer at Harokopio University of Athens. He is a graduate of the Computer Engineering and Informatics department of the University of Patras. He holds a PhD in the area of Service Oriented Architectures with a focus on quality aspects from the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA and a Master's degree from the same School. His research interests revolve around service engineering and social analysis applications. He is the technical manager of the +Spaces and SocIoS EU FP7 projects. He was a member of the organizing committees in the WSM11 workshop in ACMMM11, and the LPVW workshop in VS-Games 2011. Co. Chair: Mr. Jose Angel Fornas José Ángel Fornas is currently a project manager at Logica Spain & LATAM, company where he works since 1999. Degree in Physics from the University of Valencia, credits a wide international experience in both the coordination of R+D and software development projects for companies such as Marconi Italiana, IBM, ERTICO-ITS Europe (Brussels), ADP-GSI or ADP Clearing do Brasil. As a member of the R+D department at Logica Spain, he has participated in national Spanish and European projects related with fields such as tourist information, mobility, independent living, SSRI, e-health and emergency management. Since May 2010 he is the co-ordinator of the EU FP7 OMELETTE project. |
Attendees |
· Researchers from relevant areas · Stakeholders from the industry · Web service engineers · Researchers from relevant researcher projects (e.g. FP7 Objective 1.2 projects: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/ssai/projects_en.html)
Supporters & sponsors |
SOCIOS: http://www.sociosproject.eu |
OMELETTE: http://www.ict-omelette.eu |